Sheena is available throughout the week, for: private readings, mediumship sittings, energetic healings, chakra balancing, intuitive guidance, spiritual counseling, life path clarification, spirit guide identification, past life regression, angelic messages, personal relationship, couples/group coaching, twin flame counseling, animal communication, house blessings/cleansings and more. If you’re looking to book an appointment, you may either set it up, in advance (1 hr/45 min/30 min/15 min sessions) at or you may call Sheena's hotline and pay by the minute.
To book a reading, healing, cleansing, order crystals, jewelry, essential oils, or sign up for a workshop, class, online webinar, please text Sheena at: 818-437-0886 or email: sheena@iamraisingyourvibration.com. Sheena accepts: Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, Cash App, or credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Discover and/or American Express). Please allow 24-48 hours for a response.
All stones have been cleansed, blessed and charged, with their designated intention, for maximum power and benefit, so order any of these 11 sets now!!
Cleansing: Selenite and Black Tourmaline
Connecting: Quartz Crystal, Rose Quartz and Amethyst
Grounding: Hematite and Smoky Quartz
Uplifting: Citrine and Aventurine
Healing: Malachite and Lapis
Balancing: Lepidolite and Blue Lace Agate
Empowering: Red Jasper and Tiger Eye
Protecting: Ruby, Rhodonite and Pyrite Endearing: Emerald and Garnet
Harmonizing: Jade and Fluorite
Evolving: Shungite and Leopardskin Jasper
Purifying: Apache Tears and Snowflake Obsidian
Calming: Sodalite and Aquamarine
Plus: Hematite bracelets/Rings, Magnet Stone Bracelets, Mojo Bags, Evil Eye Bracelets, Sage Bundles, Palo Santo wood sticks, incense, essential oils, candles and more!
Sheena Metal hosts two weekly syndicated radio shows, "Raising The Vibration" and "Haunted Playground".
Join Sheena Metal's online community and share your thoughts, wishes, hopes, dreams, prayers and intentions, with other aware, evolved, enlightened and like-minded spiritual people, to help to raise the Universal vibration!!
⛤☯☥🕉☪✡✝ INTERFAITH SERVICE!! ✝✡☪🕉☥☯⛤
Sheena Metal officiates an "Saturday Night Spiritual" interfaith service, monthly, from FoundersMCC, in Hollywood, where she is currently pastored.
Sheena now offers nine spiritual webinars, for just $20, per workshop. More info about each of these 90-minute informative/interactive workshops can be found here:
WhyDoIFeelEverything.com [For Empaths]
StarveTheDark.com [Feed The Light]
MeetTheCrystals.com [Crystal Healing] IAmRaisingMyVibration.com [Uplift Yourself] AlwaysProtectYourself.com [Stay Protected] YouAreYourBestFriend.com [Love Yourself] WhoAreMySoulmates.com [Find Your Tribe]
PleaseReleaseIt.com [Let It Go!]
AbsolutelyNoFear.com [Release Fear]
MoveForwardOnYourPath.com [Stay On Path]
You may sign up for one or take all of them. Webinar links do not expire, so that you may enjoy the class again and again.
Check out Sheena Metal's new talk show and her terrific guests, from the worlds of entertainment, the spiritual, the paranormal and so much more.
Sheena Metal reads live, every week, on both her "I Am Raising Your Vibration" and "Haunted Playground After Dark" video broadcasts.