Sheena's Online Webinars
No, you're not crazy, over-emotional or spiritually fragile. But, you are an empath...and that's a really good thing!! For more info:
Don't let the darkness get you down. Feed the light, stay in the light, be the light and learn to repel negativity, to live your happiest, healthiest life. For more info:
You are not alone. Remember that when you walk your spiritual path, you are always accompanied by your best friend…you!! For more info:
Sheena currently offers ten different online spiritual classes. Each of these 90-minute informative/interactive workshops are available for a $25.00 admission fee, per webinar. The classroom links never expire, so that you may enjoy the workshop, for as long as you would like. To sign-up, or for more info, please text Sheena at: 818-437-0886 , email her at: or visit: Classes may be booked for yourself, or you may gift one to a friend. All workshops must be paid for, in advance. Sheena accepts: Venmo, Zelle, PayPal, Cash App, or credit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Discover and/or American Express).

A very important part, of your spiritual well-being, is learning to let go. Don’t hold on to what no longer serves you…release it!! For more info: PleaseReleaseIt .com.
Family is not just for the Earthbound plane. Your soulmates travel with you, from life to life…providing comfort, connection, education and love. For more info:

Stay the course. The Universe has designed a divine path, for your life…and all you have to do is keep walking forward. For more info:

Learn to survive and thrive, through spiritual protection, in our three-dimensional world and in the realms beyond. For more info:
Fear is one of the most crippling emotions, in anyone’s existence. Learn to eliminate this worry/anxiety, from your life, and be free. For more info:
Let crystals aid and guide you, on your spiritual journey, by learning to tap into their specific energetic resonance and potential. For more info: